Essential Elements of Your Digital Marketing Strategy
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Essential Elements of Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Let’s dive into the world of digital marketing. Crafting a compelling digital marketing strategy is vital for any business aiming to thrive in today’s interconnected landscape. Whilst developing your strategy may happen over time, it is a non-negotiable for any business looking to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. It provides a roadmap for success, offering…

Jenesis Gem from Josh Anthony
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Jenesis Gem from Josh Anthony

With increasing focus on thoughtfully crafted websites, it’s not always easy to understand all the steps needed to create the right one for you. Understanding each person’s role is key, including the difference between website development and website design. In this Jenesis Gems Podcast, Jenny discusses the key elements of creating a great website and…

Why Financial Advisers Need a Compelling Website
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Why Financial Advisers Need a Compelling Website

Maximising Connection and Engagement Establishing meaningful connections with clients is paramount in the realm of financial advice. Beyond face-to-face interactions, your website serves as a pivotal platform for fostering engagement and building trust. It stands as the cornerstone of your marketing strategy, offering a myriad of benefits that can elevate your business to new heights….

Unlocking the Power of Focus: Phil Thompson’s Journey to Building a Dedicated Risk Advice Business
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Unlocking the Power of Focus: Phil Thompson’s Journey to Building a Dedicated Risk Advice Business

Welcoming Phil Thompson onto the Jenesis Gems podcast was an absolute delight. I knew this was going to be a cracker of an episode.  Phil is a seasoned Financial Adviser and the brains behind Skye Wealth. From the moment we began our discussion, it was evident that Phil’s commitment to specialising in risk advice has…

Why Linkedin is your best friend
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Why Linkedin is your best friend

In the fast-paced world of professional services, staying ahead of the curve is crucial. LinkedIn, which has evolved into a premium platform for small business owners and professional service providers, has introduced several game-changing features in the past year. More than ever, LinkedIn has solidified its position as a trusted ally for those who seek…

Navigating the Path to Financial Coaching: Unveiling Gems from Karen Eley
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Navigating the Path to Financial Coaching: Unveiling Gems from Karen Eley

Throughout the various episodes of Jenesis Gems, so many of the wonderful guests have shared some incredible insights and gems along the way. Embark on a journey with Karen Eley from Women Talking Finance in Episode 11 of Jenesis Gems. Uncover the secrets behind becoming a Financial Coach as Karen shares her investment, brand evolution,…

Unveiling Your Authentic Self: The Power of Personal Branding
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Unveiling Your Authentic Self: The Power of Personal Branding

In the world of business, we often find ourselves trapped in a relentless cycle of external expectations and societal pressures. It’s a common refrain: “Just be yourself!” But in an era of influencers and constant information bombardment, we must pause and ask ourselves a crucial question as we navigate the digital landscape: “Is my perception…

Is your content your marketing nemesis?
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Is your content your marketing nemesis?

Most financial advisers are feeling genuinely overwhelmed now, so when it comes to their marketing, a less is more approach is being adopted. The argument no longer needs to be made that (digital) marketing has its place in any financial adviser’s business tool kit. It’s important not to let creating your content become your marketing…

Financial Adviser Websites – Why you need one!
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Financial Adviser Websites – Why you need one!

In marketing, everything is about connection. In financial advice, aside from your face-to-face relationship with your client, your website is the next optimal place for you to connect and engage. It’s where your future clients and existing clients learn more about who you are and what you do to build a connection with them. Your…

Jenesis | 5 Easy steps to creating video for your clients
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Jenesis | 5 Easy steps to creating video for your clients

Financial advisers, are you ready to join the video trend but not sure where to begin? Prepare yourself for a new journey into creating video for your clients. We’ve outlined five simple steps on how to produce video as part of your content strategy; it’s time to begin. 1. What’s the purpose of the video?…